Indigenous Outreach

Help Transform Indigenous
Lives with God’s Word

Your generous support to help provide 19,820 Plain English Version Bibles will plant God’s Word in the hearts of more Indigenous Australians so they can come to know Jesus – and share Him with others!

When someone like you put Plain English Version resources in Joanne’s* hands, it turned her life around. She said:

“Jesus broke every chain of addiction and set me free! I [am] a completely different woman.”

Yindi’s* life was also transformed after she received the Plain English Version. Now she uses the PEV as an evangelistic tool to share the Gospel with her remote Indigenous community – because she’s confident they’ll understand!

So thank you for being a source of hope by giving today to help meet the $297,300 goal to resource the under-resourced Indigenous Australian Church with 19,820 Plain English Version Bibles.

Your generosity today will help transform more Indigenous lives with Jesus’ love!

*Name changed for privacy

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Bibles Funded So Far

Help plant hope in Indigenous hearts across Australia!

Your gift today will help plant God’s Word in the hearts of Indigenous Australians like Joanne and Yindi so that they can come to know Jesus – and share Him with others!

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