
Your support to plant God’s Word in more hearts will change lives like Hasin’s!

From devil worshipper to aspiring Gospel preacher, Hasin’s* life was transformed when he was introduced to the Bible.

The feared thief and gangster surrendered his weapons to the authorities and joined a Project Philip Bible study group.

You can make more stories like Hasin’s possible as you give generously to help plant God’s Word in thousands of hearts – helping them know Jesus and share Him with others!

Now Hasin has big plans for the future, saying:

“I want to reach people in the countryside who don’t have Bibles.

“That’s why I’m working hard on my Project Philip training. Next year, I hope to be teaching the Good News.”

From cattle thief to Bible teacher... what a transformation!

His story shows that no one is beyond God’s reach – and your support today can help to plant God’s Word in even more hearts like Hasin’s.

Thank you for your generosity to resource the under-resourced Church in Madagascar and around the world!

*name changed for privacy reasons.

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Bibles funded so far

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Thank you for helping to plant God’s Word in more hearts like Hasin’s!